How Angie Avoided Unnecessary Treatments and Beat Rhabdomyosarcoma in Her Son
Subscribe: iTunes | Stitcher The Stern Method Podcast Episode 33: Angie Vitter The Stern Method THRIVER STORIES [sc name=”Simple Healing Home Opt in”] When Angie’s son was diagnosed with rhabdomyosarcoma she hit the ground running. She was in touch with The Stern Method and implementing an integrative approach within a week! She tells us about how questioning everything […]
Applying Integrative Cancer Therapies
[sc name=”GMOs Revealed”] An Integrative Cancer Fighting Day in the Life of the Chaverri Family We’re not the only ones!! While attending the Oncology Association of Naturopathic Physicians Conference in Arizona over the weekend I had the pleasure of going with and staying in the home of Scott Chaverri, his wife Kayleigh and son Matthew. […]