Integrative Eczema Approach | 13 month old infant | Aron Regimen | Dr. Sheila Kilbane | Story 2

In This Episode:

Resources Mentioned:


  • 00:30 Rocky update
  • 1:20 most common eczema suggestions from people that reached out to us including elimination diet, probiotics, homeopathy and where we stand with them
  • 2:46 the reality of how many people struggle with chronic eczema
  • 3:25 how we found our new integrative pediatrician for Rocky
  • 4:23 why I felt so strongly about needing to listen to Dr. Kilbane’s integrative approach to treating eczema
  • 5:04 the integrative protocol Dr. Sheila Kilbane uses to treat eczema including Aron Regimen, gut healing, and controlling histamine as well as labs, stool, and urine testing
  • 5:48 what is the Aron Regimen
  • 6:36 the thought process behind the Aron Regimen including the staph component
  • 7:01 10 minute interview with Dr. Aron and Dr. Kilbane – newer research suggesting relationship between skin and gut is actually a two way street
  • 7:53 histamine reactions and gut healing
  • 8:27 conventional things being used in an unconventional way
  • 8:48 the role of intuition in our journey
  • 10:05 testimonials of successful remission with Aron Regimen
  • 11:07 Specific supplements Rocky is on for gut healing
  • 11:25 A lot of parents struggle with getting nasty supplements into their kids but we have unique experience already with Ryder, show other families how we do it, our purpose
  • 13:55 what we will be sharing on next eczema video update including results from labs, stool, urine testing
  • 14:26 why we are not testing for food sensitivities yet
  • 15:58 two weeks earlier, beginning our journey with Aron Regimen and Dr. Sheila Kilbane’s gut healing protocol
  • 17:31 making the Aron cream
  • 18:12 Rocky’s progression, daily video clips of his face / body / milestones
  • 21:33 our awesome tool for getting supplements / medicine into a baby
  • 24:04 Collecting Rocky’s stool sample
  • 24:24 Teddy’s update after two weeks on the Aron Regimen and Dr. Kilbane’s gut healing protocol