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Holly Bertone of PinkFortitude.com talks about her journey getting through conventional cancer treatment with the best possible mindset, the very real damage conventional treatment can do without knowledge of an integrative approach and how to pick up the pieces afterwards.
Holly Bertone, CNHP, PMP, runs the health and wellness website pink fortitude dot com. Holly is a breast cancer and Hashimoto’s survivor and turned these two significant health challenges into a passion to help others. She inspires others with her quick wit, brutal honesty, and simple ways to be healthy in real life. Holly is a Certified Natural Health Professional, a Certified Essential Oils Coach, and is enrolled in a Naturopathic Doctorate program. Holly is passionate about reaching out to breast cancer and autoimmune survivors, and also volunteers for organizations supporting our military veterans.
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Previous Episodes:
How Angie Avoided Unnecessary Treatments and Beat Rhabdomyosarcoma in Her Son
Water Fasting: The Most Effective Cancer Treatment is Free: Dr. Edward Group III
Andrea’s Integrative Neuroblastoma Cancer Treatment Research for her Daughter
Yes, EMOTIONS Can Cause Disease. Here’s How to Address It: Dr. Meg Haworth
How Dagmara Beini Healed Her Daughter’s AML Leukemia With Integrative Cancer Treatments
The Link between EMFs and Cancer, What you NEED to know: Nicolas Pineault
Preventing Side Effects from ALL Treatment with Hyperbaric Oxygen, Sauna and Supplementation
Avoiding Skin Cancer & Hidden Toxins: Dr. Trevor Cates
How the Chaverri Family Reversed Severe Chemotherapy Induced Neuropathy, Mucositis, and More
The Five Causes of Cancer: Dr. Anthony G. Beck
How Jessica Reversed Her Son’s Stage IV Wilm’s Tumor after Conventional Treatments Failed
Natural Healing Success Against Conventional Odds: Robyn Openshaw
Establishing Metabolic Flexibility in Cancer Patients: Dr. David Jockers
How Would Ty Bollinger Reverse Cancer?
The Frequency of Health – How to Tune In: Shana Ekedal
High Dose Baking Soda, Magnesium & Iodine for Cancer: Dr. Mark Sircus
Fruit, The Lymphatic System, and Cancer: What You Need to Know: Dr. Robert Morse
Evidence Based Integrative Approaches for Cancer: Audra & Justin Wilford of MaxLove Project
How to Unleash the Power to Heal From Within: Razi Berry
Essential Oils That Fight Cancer & Biblical Health: Dr. Eric Zielinski
Epigenetics, Nutrigenomics & Cancer: MASTERCLASS: Dr. Paul Anderson
Healing Home vs Cancer Clinic… And Fruit vs. Keto!: Terry Tillaart
The Science behind the Gerson Diet: Dr. Patrick Vickers
The Metabolic Approach to Cancer: Dr. Nasha Winters
Layman’s Guide to the Metabolic Theory of Cancer: Travis Christofferson
Find Cancer before Your Doctor Can… And after He Says It’s Gone: Jenny Hrbacek, RN
Cancer as a Metabolic Disease – What You Need to Know: Professor Thomas Seyfried
Square One for Cancer Patients: Chris Wark
Cancer Is a Fungus, Cancer Is a Frequency: Dr. Darrell Wolfe
Why Don’t Doctors Use Natural Cancer Treatments?? (And How to Use Homeopathy!): Robert Scott Bell