Dr. Carol Lourie is a Naturopath, Licensed Acupuncturist, Homeopath and Functional Medicine Expert who has been working in the field of integrative and natural health care for over 30 years. Carol takes a whole-person approach to healing using integrative tools that leverage the innate healing abilities of body, mind, and spirit.
***Resources Mentioned***
Everybody’s Guide to Homeopathic Medicines by Dana Ullman
Integrative Therapeutics Laxative Formula
Oxypowder by Global Healing Center
Total Gut Protocol from Microbiome Labs
Natura Health Products – Digest Mend
Quercetin Ascorbate, Designs for Health
In This Episode:
I’ve been trying to get Dr. Carol Lourie on the show for a while now but for whatever reason, the stars didn’t align. Well I can tell you, it was worth the wait! I brought Carol on to talk about homeopathy and cancer but we ended up talking about so much other good stuff that’s sure to help you on your own healing journey.
We talk about various fasting protocols to help improve the effectiveness of chemo AND protect your healthy cells AND reduce nausea! We look at homeopathic remedies to reduce the side effects of chemo and radiation, and Carol shares some of the supplement brands she uses in her clinical practice. Plus you’ll get some great recipes for healing smoothies and Bieler’s broth. It’s action-packed!
Is there a reason you’ve honed in on cancer?
- Carol has lost family members to cancer
- She looked after a friend going through cancer treatment. Over18 months every appointment
- Saw first hand what her friend went through and where she could help with her naturopathic skills
- Began studying the enormous complex topic of cancer
- Studied with Donnie Yance of the Mederi Foundation
- Specialized in breast cancer
What conferences were you at recently?
- Society of Integrative Oncology – Carol presented on intermittent fasting in clinic practice
- Attended Advanced Applications in Medical Practice put on by Dr Paul Anderson
- Dr Weber from Germany talked about using laser therapy to treat cancer
- Uses very thin needles in the skin to apply the laser similar to acupuncture
You are a naturopathic doctor who focuses on cancer but you also have a homeopathy specialty…
- Samuel Hahnemann, a German physician, discovered homeopathy in late 1800’s.
- Started experimenting with sulfur, phosphorus etc which he diluted until just the energy of the compound remained
- This process makes homeopathy very safe. It won’t interfere with other treatments
Oncologists can be resistant to anything they perceive may interfere with chemotherapy
- Carol aims for a positive relationship with her patients’ conventional oncologists
- Advises her patients to follow this protocol around chemo infusions:
- 2 days before infusion stop supplements and start intermittent fasting
- One day after infusion start intermittent fasting
- 2 days after, no supplements – just bone broth and Bieler’sbroth
- If you don’t get along with your oncologist, find a new one
What is Bieler’s broth?
- In the 70’s Carol’s friend underwent a huge amount of radiation therapy for cancer before being told nothing more could be done for her
- Found a chiropractor in New York who used Iridology detoxifying diet
- Introduced Carol to blended salads and Bieler’sbroth
- Bieler’sbroth recipe:
- Green beans, zucchini, white cabbage, parsley celery, leaks, onions
- Cook up and blend. No salt or pepper
- Basic environment in the body as opposed to acidic. Cancer and disease love acidic environment
- Less inflammation
- Blended salad recipe:
- Equal amounts of tomato, red pepper, celery, cucumber and lettuce
- Blend with extra virgin olive oil and organic lemon juice
- Lots of phytonutrients. Easy to digest
- Other therapies at the clinic included:
- 10 day water fasting
- Epsom salt enemas (tbsp. Epsom salt, dissolved in boiling water and add to enema bag)
- Philosophy was that Epsom salts pull toxins from the lymph
- Clinic philosophy was to take the patient back to the ‘cellular time’ before they contracted the disease
- Refeed properly after a water fast, otherwise benefits are lost
- Purpose is to reduce sugar component in body
What is the Warburg effect?
- Warburg was a scientist in Germany in 1924
- He discovered that cancer most often choses sugar for energy
- Carol works with her patients to reduce their glycemic index and starve their cancer cells of glucose
- Intermittent fasting is very important when preparing for chemotherapy
- Helps chemo become more effective. When cancer cells are starved they see the chemo and the accompanying steroids as sugar and absorb more of these. This helps protect healthy cells
- Helps chemo become more effective. When cancer cells are starved they see the chemo and the accompanying steroids as sugar and absorb more of these. This helps protect healthy cells
What is your definition of intermittent fasting?
- Lots of different terms:
- Caloric restriction – restrict your calories by 40-50%
- Dr. Mosley’s 5:2 diet – eating for 5 days, fasting for 2
- Dr. Valter Longo recommends reducing calories and reducing what you eat
- Carol recommends 600-800 calories per day, two days before chemo
- Bone broth, veggie juice and Bieler’sbroth
- When you have chemo you want empty intestines. Uses laxative product such as Integrative Therapeutics Laxative Formula or Smooth Move Tea
- Goal is almost diarrhea. Don’t want to auto intoxicate – if you have fecal material in your body and you go for chemo the toxins remain in your body longer than necessary
- Ryan mentions the Fasting Mimicking Diet
- Ryan recommends Oxypowder by Global Healing Center
Do you practice classical or clinical homeopathy or something else?
- Many different approaches. Carol takes the approach most relevant to the person
- Looks at the whole person and how that person’s ‘dis-ease’ is affecting them. Their unique symptoms
- No one thing is going to help cancer. It is a very serious metabolic disease. Needs a lot of different protocols put together to address metabolic imbalance e.g. nutrition, mindset, targeted supplementation, iv therapy, lifestyle etc
How do you use homeopathy to mitigate radiation side effects
- Homeopathic Carcinosin is a breast cancer remedy
- Can buy from homeopathic pharmacy or practitioner
- Carol does remote consultations. Practitioner list on stermmethod.com
- Acute homeopathy good for mitigating the symptoms of conventional treatment
- It’s the symptoms that are important in homeopathy, not the illness
- To support patients going through radiation:
- Avoid anti-oxidants as radiation created oxidative stress
- Drink miso soup – 2 cups before 2 cups after
- Fast before
- Empty your intestines prior
- Afterwards drink green smoothie or juice
- Acupuncture
- Take prebiotics and probiotics. Carol recommends Total Gut Protocol from Microbiome Labs
- This protocol includes MegaMucosa prebiotic powder
- Protect your gut when having chemotherapy too
- One of the best things you can do to keep your counts up
- Carol’s patients have better blood work
- Remedy for radiation burns is Cantharis – 60 or 30c
- Only take when symptoms are present. Listen to your body and follow the symptoms.
- If symptoms change may need Rhus tox (better with heat) or Apis mellifica (better with ice cold), Belladonna (skin throbbing – whole being is agitated)
- Available from Whole Foods
- Dana Olman’s book on acute homeopathic remedies
- Banerji Protocol can be used for protection against conventional treatment but it’s very individual so you need to see a practitioner
- Detox combination remedies available from BioResource but Carol doesn’t use combinations in her practice
Can homeopathy reduce side effects of chemotherapy?
- Yes. Must go into chemotherapy well prepared by doing all that is recommended above
- Mint or ginger tea to decrease nausea
- Ipecac – for nausea
- Phosphorus – vomiting on food ingestion
- Bryonia – nauseous if move
- Pulsatilla – need fresh air, crying a lot
- Neuropathy – Alpha-lipoic acid, vitamin B6, IV vitamin C to support through radiation
- Hypericum – tea and homeopathic tincture for nerve pain
- Borax – mouth sores, healthier intestines, better response to chemo
- Carol recommends Natura Health Products – Digest Mend (powder)
Healing smoothie recipe
- 1-2 scoops of protein powder. Whey or pea isolate protein powder, keto or collagen powder – depending on your diet
- Whey is very anti-inflammatory with lots of immunoglobulins. Recommends Natura, Designs for Health and Xymogen
- Pea isolate – Xymogen, Metagenics, Designs for Health – monk fruit preferred over stevia
- Apex and Biotics also good brands
- Water or organic coconut water or unsweetened nut milk
- 2 tsp Quercetin Ascorbate, Designs for Health
- 2 tsp D-Ribose, Designs for Health (Xymogen and Biotics also)
- ½ avocado
- 1tspn dark flaxseed
- 1 tbsp chia seeds
- ½ cup berries
- Ice (optional)
- If you need to gain weight, add egg yolk, nut butter, molasses or tahini
- Could also add green powder or leaves (not spinach)
- Put everything into a blender and blend
Any last thoughts?
- Intense spiritual / emotional component to this disease – really important to address this how ever you chose
- Without addressing this it’s hard to fully recover
Follow Dr. Carol Lourie
Online programme called The Path of Breast Cancer
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