How Angie Avoided Unnecessary Treatments and Beat Rhabdomyosarcoma in Her Son

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The Stern Method Podcast Episode 33: Angie Vitter


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When Angie’s son was diagnosed with rhabdomyosarcoma she hit the ground running.  She was in touch with The Stern Method and implementing an integrative approach within a week!  She tells us about how questioning everything and pushing back against treatments saw her son Cullen through to cancer freedom with much less treatment than doctors originally prescribed!

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More Thriver Stories:

Andrea’s Integrative Neuroblastoma Cancer Treatment Research for her Daughter

Preventing Side Effects from ALL Treatment with Hyperbaric Oxygen, Sauna and Supplementation

How the Chaverri Family Reversed Severe Chemotherapy Induced Neuropathy, Mucositis, and More

How Jessica Reversed Her Son’s Stage IV Wilm’s Tumor after Conventional Treatments Failed

How Dagmara Beini Healed Her Daughter’s AML Leukemia With Integrative Cancer Treatments

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